Giant Dragon Statue Animatronic Zaj rau Exhibition

Lus piav qhia luv luv:

Qauv nab npawb: TIAB SA - 2307
Lub npe scientific: Zaj
Khoom Style: Kev kho kom haum
Loj: 1-30 Meters ntev
Xim: Txhua yam xim muaj
Tom qab Kev Pabcuam: 24 Lub hlis tom qab kev teeb tsa
Them Nyiaj: L / C, T / T, Western Union, Credit Card
Min. Order Quantity: 1 Teeb
Lub Sijhawm Lead: 15-30 hnub

Product Detail

Khoom cim npe

Product Video

Graphic Design

kawah dinosaur Graphic Design

Raws li koj lub tswv yim thiab cov kev xav tau, peb yuav tsim koj tus kheej lub ntiaj teb dinosaur.
Kev tsim kho tshuab: Txhua tus dinosaur muaj nws tus kheej tsim tshuab.Raws li ntau qhov sib txawv thiab cov qauv ua qauv, tus tsim qauv tes pleev xim rau daim duab loj ntawm dinosaur steel thav duab kom ua kom huab cua txaus thiab txo kev sib txhuam hauv qhov tsim nyog.
Exhibition nthuav dav tsim: Peb tuaj yeem pab muab cov phiaj xwm kev npaj, kev tsim qauv dinosaur factual, kev tshaj tawm kev lag luam, tsim cov nyhuv ntawm qhov chaw, kev tsim hluav taws xob, kev txhawb nqa tsim, thiab lwm yam.
Cov chaw txhawb nqa: simulation cog, fiberglass pob zeb, nyom, ib puag ncig tiv thaiv suab, cov nyhuv haze, lub teeb nyhuv, xob laim nyhuv, LOGO tsim, lub taub hau tsim, laj kab tsim, scene tsim xws li rockery surrounds, txuas hniav thiab kwj deg, volcanic eruptions, thiab lwm yam.
Peb zoo siab los tham txog cov phiaj xwm tshwm sim nrog peb cov neeg siv khoom.Raws li peb ntau xyoo ntawm kev paub nyob rau hauv dino ntsiab chaw ua si tej yaam num thiab dinosaur lom ze chaw, peb muaj peev xwm muab cov lus qhia siv, thiab ua tiav cov txiaj ntsig zoo los ntawm kev sib txuas lus tas li thiab rov ua dua.Peb yuav qhia koj txog cov kev paub txog dinosuar ib los ntawm ib qho, yog li koj tsis tas yuav txhawj xeeb txog yam koj tsis nkag siab hauv cov txheej txheem.Cov zaub ntawm cov duab kos duab kos duab yog qhov pib ntawm peb txoj kev koom tes zoo tshaj plaws.

Cov ntaub ntawv tseem ceeb

Animatronic Dinosaur Main Materials-tuya

Tsis muaj

Loj:Los ntawm 1m mus rau 30 m ntev, lwm qhov loj kuj muaj. Net Nyhav:Kev txiav txim los ntawm qhov loj ntawm dinosaur (xws li: 1 teeb 10m ntev T-rex hnyav ze li 550kg).
Xim:Txhua yam xim muaj. Accessories: Tswj cox, Speaker, Fiberglass pob zeb, Infrared sensor thiab lwm yam.
Lub Sijhawm Lead:15-30 hnub los yog nyob ntawm kom muaj nuj nqis tom qab them nyiaj. Lub zog:110/220V, 50/60hz lossis customized yam tsis tau them nqi ntxiv.
Min. Order Quantity:1 Teeb. Tom qab Service:24 Lub hlis tom qab kev teeb tsa.
Tswj hom:Infrared sensor, Chaw taws teeb tswj, Token npib ua haujlwm, Khawm, Kov sensing, Tsis siv neeg, Customized thiab lwm yam.
Kev siv: Dino chaw ua si, Dinosaur ntiaj teb, Dinosaur exhibition, Chaw ua si lom zem, Chaw ua si, Tsev khaws puav pheej, Chaw Ua Si, Lub Nroog plaza, Khw Khw, Sab Hauv Tsev / Sab nraum zoov.
Cov ntaub ntawv tseem ceeb:High density foam, National standard steel ncej, Silicon roj hmab, Motors.
Shipping:Peb lees txais av, huab cua, kev thauj mus los hauv hiav txwv thiab kev thauj mus los thoob ntiaj teb multimodal.Av + hiav txwv (tus nqi zoo) Huab cua (kev thauj mus los raws sijhawm thiab ruaj khov).
Kev txav chaw: 1. Ob lub qhov muag blinking.2. Lub qhov ncauj qhib thiab kaw.3. Lub taub hau txav.4. Caj npab tsiv.5. Ua pa hauv plab.6. Tail swaying.7. Tus nplaig txav.8. Lub suab.9. Dej tsuag.10.Cov pa luam yeeb.
Daim ntawv ceeb toom:Qhov sib txawv me ntsis ntawm cov khoom thiab cov duab vim yog cov khoom siv tes ua.

Cov xwm txheej ntau lawm

1 Painting the Realistic Dinosaur Costumes products.

Painting cov khoom muaj tiag Dinosaur Costumes

2 20 Meters Animatronic Dinosaur T Rex in modeling process.

20 Meters Animatronic Dinosaur T Rex hauv kev ua qauv

3 12 Meters Animatronic Animal Giant Gorilla installation in Kawah factory.

12 Meters Animatronic Tsiaj Giant Gorilla installation hauv Kawah Hoobkas

4 Animatronic Dragon Model and other dinosaur statues are quality testing.

Animatronic Dragon Model thiab lwm cov duab dinosaur yog qhov kev sim zoo

5 Giant Animatronic Dinosaur Quetzalcoatlus Model customized by a regular customer.

Giant Animatronic Dinosaur Quetzalcoatlus Model customized los ntawm cov neeg siv khoom tsis tu ncua

6 Kawah engineers used high-density sponge to model the dinosaur steel frame.

Kawah engineers siv daim txhuam cev high-density los ua qauv dinosaur steel ncej

7 Engineers are debugging of steel frame.

Engineers tab tom debugging ntawm steel ncej

8 Customized Animatronic Animal Rhinoceros Model based on the drawing.

Customized Animatronic Tsiaj Rhinoceros Model raws li daim duab

9 Kids experience our Walking Dinosaur Ride for the first time.

Cov menyuam yaus tau ntsib peb Kev Taug Kev Dinosaur Ride thawj zaug

Cov lus nug nquag

Cov qauv animatronic puas tuaj yeem siv sab nraud?

Tag nrho peb cov khoom tuaj yeem siv sab nraum zoov.Cov tawv nqaij ntawm tus qauv animatronic yog cov dej tsis zoo thiab tuaj yeem siv tau ib txwm nyob rau hnub los nag thiab huab cua kub.Peb cov khoom muaj nyob rau hauv qhov chaw kub xws li Brazil, Indonesia, thiab qhov chaw txias xws li Russia, Canada, thiab lwm yam. Raws li qhov xwm txheej, lub neej ntawm peb cov khoom yog li 5-7 xyoo, yog tias tsis muaj kev puas tsuaj rau tib neeg, 8-10 xyoo kuj tseem siv tau.

Dab tsi yog txoj hauv kev pib rau tus qauv animatronic?

Feem ntau muaj tsib txoj kev pib rau cov qauv animatronic: infrared sensor, chaw taws teeb tswj pib, pib npib ua haujlwm, lub suab tswj, thiab khawm pib.Nyob rau hauv ib txwm muaj xwm txheej, peb txoj kev ua ntej yog infrared sensing, qhov ntsuas qhov deb yog 8-12 meters, thiab lub kaum sab xis yog 30 degrees.Yog tias tus neeg siv khoom xav tau ntxiv lwm txoj hauv kev xws li kev tswj chaw taws teeb, nws tseem tuaj yeem sau rau peb qhov muag ua ntej.

Ntev npaum li cas lub caij dinosaur khiav ib zaug tom qab them tag nrho?

Nws yuav siv li 4-6 teev kom them lub caij dinosaur, thiab nws tuaj yeem khiav tau li 2-3 teev tom qab them tag nrho.Lub caij hluav taws xob dinosaur tuaj yeem khiav tau li ob teev thaum nws them tag nrho.Thiab nws tuaj yeem khiav txog 40-60 zaug rau 6 feeb txhua zaus.

Dab tsi yog qhov siab tshaj plaws load peev ntawm lub caij dinosaur?

Tus qauv taug kev dinosaur (L3m) thiab caij dinosaur (L4m) tuaj yeem thauj khoom txog 100 kg, thiab cov khoom loj hloov pauv, thiab lub peev xwm thauj khoom kuj tseem yuav hloov.
Lub peev xwm thauj khoom ntawm hluav taws xob dinosaur caij yog nyob rau hauv 100 kg.

Nws yuav siv sijhawm ntev npaum li cas kom tau txais cov qauv tom qab tso qhov kev txiav txim?

Lub sijhawm khoom xa tuaj yog txiav txim los ntawm lub sijhawm tsim khoom thiab lub sijhawm xa khoom.
Tom qab tso qhov kev txiav txim, peb yuav npaj ntau lawm tom qab tau txais cov nyiaj them poob haujlwm.Lub sij hawm ntau lawm yog txiav txim los ntawm qhov loj thiab qhov ntau ntawm cov qauv.Vim hais tias cov qauv yog tag nrho cov xuas tes ua, lub sij hawm ntau lawm yuav ntev.Piv txwv li, nws yuav siv li 15 hnub los ua peb 5-meter-ntev animatronic dinosaurs, thiab txog 20 hnub rau kaum 5-meter-ntev dinosaurs.
Lub sij hawm shipping yog txiav txim raws li txoj kev thauj mus los tiag tiag.Lub sij hawm xav tau nyob rau hauv txawv teb chaws yog txawv thiab txiav txim siab raws li qhov tseeb.

Kuv yuav them li cas?

Feem ntau, peb txoj kev them nyiaj yog: 40% tso nyiaj rau kev yuav khoom ntawm cov khoom siv raw thiab cov qauv tsim.Hauv ib lub lis piam ntawm qhov kawg ntawm kev tsim khoom, cov neeg siv khoom xav tau them 60% ntawm qhov nyiaj tshuav.Tom qab tag nrho cov nyiaj them poob haujlwm, peb yuav xa cov khoom.Yog tias koj muaj lwm yam kev xav tau, koj tuaj yeem tham nrog peb kev muag khoom.

Yuav ua li cas yog lub ntim thiab shipping ntawm cov khoom?

Lub ntim ntawm cov khoom feem ntau yog npuas zaj duab xis.Lub npuas zaj duab xis yog los tiv thaiv cov khoom los ntawm kev puas tsuaj vim extrusion thiab cuam tshuam thaum thauj.Lwm cov khoom siv tau ntim rau hauv lub thawv thawv.Yog tias tus naj npawb ntawm cov khoom tsis txaus rau tag nrho lub thawv, LCL feem ntau yog xaiv, thiab lwm yam, tag nrho lub thawv raug xaiv.Thaum lub sij hawm kev thauj mus los, peb yuav yuav kev pov hwm raws li tus neeg yuav tsum tau ua kom muaj kev nyab xeeb ntawm kev thauj khoom.

Puas yog daim tawv nqaij ntawm simulated dinosaur puas yooj yim?

Cov tawv nqaij ntawm animatronic dinosaur zoo ib yam li cov tawv nqaij ntawm tib neeg, softer, tab sis elastic.Yog tias tsis txhob txwm ua kev puas tsuaj los ntawm cov khoom ntse, feem ntau cov tawv nqaij yuav tsis puas.

Puas yog animatronic dinosaur fireproof?

Cov ntaub ntawv ntawm cov simulated dinosaurs feem ntau yog daim txhuam cev thiab cov kua nplaum silicone, uas tsis muaj hluav taws kub ua haujlwm.Yog li ntawd, nws yog ib qho tsim nyog kom tsis txhob muaj hluav taws thiab xyuam xim rau kev nyab xeeb thaum siv.

Cov lus nug nquag

Dab tsi yog tus qauv simulated dinosaur?

Lub simulated dinosaur yog tus qauv dinosaur ua los ntawm steel ncej thiab high-density ua npuas ncauj raws li qhov tseeb dinosaur pob txha pob txha.Nws muaj lub ntsej muag tiag tiag thiab hloov pauv hloov pauv, tso cai rau cov neeg tuaj saib kom hnov ​​​​qhov ntxim nyiam ntawm tus huab tais thaum ub ntau intuitively.

Yuav ua li cas thiaj xaj cov qauv dinosaur?

ib.Yog tias koj txaus siab rau peb cov khoom, koj tuaj yeem hu rau peb lossis xa email rau peb pab pawg muag khoom, peb yuav teb koj sai li sai tau, thiab xa cov ntaub ntawv tseem ceeb rau koj xaiv.Koj tseem txais tos tuaj rau peb lub Hoobkas rau ntawm qhov chaw mus ntsib.
b.Tom qab cov khoom thiab tus nqi raug lees paub, peb yuav kos npe rau daim ntawv cog lus los tiv thaiv cov cai thiab kev txaus siab ntawm ob tog.Tom qab tau txais 30% tso nyiaj ntawm tus nqi, peb yuav pib ntau lawm.Thaum lub sij hawm tsim cov txheej txheem, peb muaj ib pab neeg ua hauj lwm los xyuas kom meej tias koj yuav paub meej txog qhov teeb meem ntawm cov qauv.Tom qab cov khoom tiav lawm, koj tuaj yeem tshawb xyuas cov qauv los ntawm cov duab, yeeb yaj kiab lossis kev tshuaj xyuas ntawm qhov chaw.70% tshuav nyiaj li cas ntawm tus nqi yuav tsum tau them ua ntej xa khoom tom qab kuaj xyuas.
c.Peb yuav ua tib zoo ntim txhua tus qauv kom tsis txhob muaj kev puas tsuaj thaum thauj.Cov khoom tuaj yeem xa mus rau qhov chaw los ntawm av, huab cua, hiav txwv thiab thoob ntiaj teb kev thauj mus los ntau yam raws li koj xav tau.Peb xyuas kom meej tias tag nrho cov txheej txheem nruj me ntsis ua raws li cov luag num raws li daim ntawv cog lus.

Cov khoom puas tuaj yeem kho tau?

Yog lawm.Peb txaus siab kho cov khoom rau koj.Koj tuaj yeem muab cov duab cuam tshuam, yeeb yaj kiab, lossis tsuas yog ib lub tswv yim, suav nrog cov khoom siv fiberglass, animatronic tsiaj, animatronic marine tsiaj, kab animatronic, thiab lwm yam. Thaum lub sij hawm tsim khoom, peb yuav muab koj cov duab thiab yeeb yaj duab nyob rau hauv txhua theem, kom koj. tuaj yeem nkag siab meej txog cov txheej txheem tsim khoom thiab kev tsim khoom.

Dab tsi yog cov khoom siv rau animatronic qauv?

Cov khoom siv yooj yim ntawm cov qauv animatronic muaj xws li: lub thawv tswj, sensors (infrared tswj), hais lus, lub zog qaum, xim, silicone kua nplaum, motors, thiab lwm yam. Peb yuav muab cov khoom seem raws li tus naj npawb ntawm cov qauv.Yog tias koj xav tau ntxiv lub thawv tswj, lub cev muaj zog lossis lwm yam khoom siv, koj tuaj yeem sau rau pawg neeg muag khoom ua ntej.Ua ntej mdoels raug xa tawm, peb yuav xa cov npe khoom xa mus rau koj tus email lossis lwm cov ntaub ntawv tiv tauj kom paub meej.

Yuav ua li cas rau nruab cov qauv?

Thaum cov qauv raug xa mus rau cov neeg siv khoom lub teb chaws, peb yuav xa peb cov kws tshaj lij kev teeb tsa pab pawg rau nruab (tshwj tsis yog lub sijhawm tshwj xeeb).Peb tseem tuaj yeem muab cov yeeb yaj kiab teeb tsa thiab cov lus qhia hauv online los pab cov neeg siv khoom ua tiav kev teeb tsa thiab muab tso rau hauv kev siv sai thiab zoo dua.

Yuav daws qhov teeb meem ntawm cov khoom lag luam li cas?

Lub sijhawm lav ntawm animatronic dinosaur yog 24 lub hlis, thiab lub sijhawm lav ntawm lwm yam khoom yog 12 lub hlis.
Thaum lub sijhawm lav, yog tias muaj teeb meem zoo (tshwj tsis yog kev puas tsuaj rau tib neeg), peb yuav muaj pab pawg kws tshaj lij tom qab muag los soj ntsuam, thiab peb tuaj yeem muab kev qhia 24-teev online lossis kho ntawm qhov chaw (tshwj tsis yog rau lub sijhawm tshwj xeeb).
Yog tias muaj teeb meem zoo tshwm sim tom qab lub sijhawm lav, peb tuaj yeem muab cov nqi kho.


Peb lub tuam txhab muaj cai ywj pheej ntawm cov khoom xa tawm, uas twb tau nkag mus rau hauv kev lag luam txawv teb chaws, thiab tau muag rau ntau tshaj 30 lub teb chaws, xws li peb lub tebchaws United States, Canada, Britain, Fabkis, Russia, Nyiv, Malaysia, Chile, Colombia, South Africa thiab lwm yam, nyiam los ntawm cov neeg ntawm ntau haiv neeg thiab xim.Lub simulation dinosaur exhibition, lub tiaj ua si, lub ntsiab tsev noj mov thiab lwm yam dej num uas tsim thiab npaj los ntawm peb yog nrov nrog cov neeg tuaj ncig tebchaws uasi, yog li peb tau txais kev ntseeg siab ntawm ntau tus neeg muas zaub thiab tau tsim kev lag luam mus ntev nrog lawv.

Kawah factory partner

Cov neeg tuaj xyuas lub Hoobkas

1 Korean customers visit our factory

Korean cov neeg muas zaub tuaj xyuas peb lub Hoobkas

2 Russian customers visit kawah dinosaur factory

Lavxias cov neeg muas zaub mus xyuas kawah dinosaur Hoobkas

3 Customers visit from France

Cov neeg tuaj xyuas los ntawm Fabkis

4 Customers visit from Mexico

Cov neeg muas zaub tuaj xyuas los ntawm Mexico

5 Introduce dinosaur steel frame to Israel customers

Qhia dinosaur steel ncej rau cov neeg Ixayees

6 Photo taken with Turkish clients

Cov duab thaij nrog cov neeg siv Turkish

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